What Should Be Recycled?

So, we’ve covered some top ways in how recycling helps the environment. Now— Here are the most common materials to recycle and how to go about it: 1. Plastics Plastics are the absolute worst. Your flimsy plastic grocery bag? It takes 10–20 years to decompose. That single-use water bottle you bought? It can take up to 450 years to break down in...

Need for Waste-to-Energy Treatments

The waste generated in Bujumbura, and in Burundi as a whole, is mainly disposed of in open lands, called landfilling, or it finds its way into natural river bodies, creating a negative impact on the environment and is significantly responsible for water pollution in a country such as this where no significant polluting industries exist....

How Does Recycling Help the Environment?

Recycling is great, and we all know it. But, how does recycling help the environment? Here are the essential benefits of recycling. Why is recycling important? What are the benefits of recycling? We’ve all heard of the Three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. As a slogan, it’s about perfect—it is short, can’t be misunderstood, and has the pleasant ring of...

Municipal Solid Waste

Solid waste management in developing countries, Burundi included, and emerging economies is generally characterized by highly inefficient waste-collection practices, variable and inadequate levels of service due to limited resources, lack of environmental control systems and appropriate legislation, limited know-how, indiscriminate dumping, littering and scavenging and, most of all, poor environmental and waste awareness among the...